This is a community-wide events calendar. All organizations are encouraged to submit event information. We hope that will help your planning to avoid date conflicts. All events must be submitted through this website -- choose "Submit An Event." The Chamber reserves the right to not allow an event on the calendar. Please refrain from submitting personal events such as garage sales, in-home parties, open houses, etc.
If you have questions, please contact the Seguin Chamber at (830) 379-6382 or cofc@seguinchamber.com -
Events Calendar
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Categories: Chamber Of CommerceRibbon Cutting
Categories: Clubs/OrganizationsRecreation & SportsCommunity EventFundraiser
Categories: Chamber Of CommerceRibbon Cutting
Categories: Annual EventCommunity EventNetworking Event
Categories: Arts & CultureSchoolsContinuing EducationAnnual EventEducational Event
Categories: Continuing EducationClubs/Organizations
High Speed Internet in Seguin Texas - VTX1 Internet
Intrenet, Fiber, Wireless, Phone, High-speed Internet,